We know that in order to attract and retain the very best people we must build a sustainable business that is committed to equal opportunities for all. Our people are fully supported by the business.
Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
As at 5th April 2023, for period April 2022-April 2023 Reported April 2024
The report sets out the gender pay gap statistics as of 5th April 2023.
Our Results
Our statistics are as follows:-
Explaining Our Statistics
Seras remains a male dominated workplace within our operational roles; our gender pay gaps are calculated from 35 female colleagues, with a headcount of 279 employees.
We have a small number of female colleagues working within our operational roles as Drivers and Site Operations. We have a large number of Drivers, three of whom are female, one Transport Manager and six within site operations (administration), an uplift of five from the previous year.
Many of our driver roles are well paid and this therefore impacts on the median pay gap. Many of remaining female colleagues work within junior administration roles and mid-range management. Within the senior leadership team 36% of the overall team are female, within department head roles.
Over 66% of our drivers are Trampers, meaning they work away from home for the week, working, living and sleeping in their vehicles. We recognise that this is a less attractive proposition for female drivers when considering potential safety concerns, transportation infrastructure and taking into account that females often have caring responsibilities.
We can see improvements in the number of female colleagues now being eligible for bonus payments, plus the increase in female colleagues who now fall into the upper mid-quartile bracket.
Further Analysis
This chart demonstrates that we have over representation of male colleagues in our tramper driver, day drivers and site operations roles. Female colleagues are over represented in the HR and
Procurement teams, however there is a more even distribution within the Finance team this year.
Next Steps
Over the coming year we will continue to work towards recruiting more women into our day driver and site operational roles recognising, as previously discussed that our Tramper Driver roles are not as attractive to many women. We will continue to focus on the development of women within our existing business, through training and development, apprenticeships and as recruitment opportunities allow.
Looking further into the future we will look to develop our strategy to support women in leadership and work to develop relationships with educational colleges and schools to promote the benefits of career opportunities within a renewables and logistics environment.
We are committed to ensuring that both male and female colleagues are paid fairly for fulfilling the same and/or similar roles within the business. We support female colleagues throughout our business and will continue to evolve our policies and procedures to expand our training & development opportunities, and promote and develop women into leadership roles, or into under-represented areas within our business.
I confirm that these statistics are accurate
April 2024